Okinawan Dit Da Jow

(1 customer review)


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Okinawan Dit Da Jow

Okinawan Dit Da Jow is used for training in Goju Ryu, Shito Ryu and Shotokan and is called Yi Yao Jia Zhi Wan Jin loosely translated means “medicine worth 10 thousand pieces of gold”. The name has been shortened and is referred to as “Wan Jin Yao”. In Japanese it is translated to “Kin yori yakuyō-chi”.

What makes Wan Jin Yao so special is its ability to toughen and harden the Hands, Forearms, and Shins. When training on the Makiwara or Kotekitae training (Forearm Training) this liniment is very important. Morio Higgaonna Sensei 10th Dan used Dit Da Jow prior to all Makiwara and Ishi Toreningu(Stone Training )training, he attributed his use of Dit Da Jow as the reason he suffers no ill effects from years of brutal hand conditioning.

What does this liniment do?

  • Toughens Bones, Tendons, and Sinew
  • Promotes Healing From Repetitive Contact Training
  • Reduces Risk of Long Term Problems from Hard Hand Conditioning.
  • Reduces Pain From Intense Hand and Forearm Training.
  • Helps With Healing Bruises from Contact Training

Each Kit can produce up to 144 ounces of Liniment. all that is required besides the kit is a 5 liter glass jar with an airtight lid and inexpensive vodka.


1 review for Okinawan Dit Da Jow

  1. Larry

    Great kit, thanks for offering it to everybody. This is for those who are hardcore martial artists and want to recover from hard training. If you want to hit hard objects without pain and build strong bones this is the liniment to use.

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